About Us
At Cloud Feet, we know how important it is to have healthy feet. We use them everyday for the simplest tasks like walking or practicing sports. Making sure that they are healthy is the best gift we can give to our body. That is why we created a curated list of the best, most reliable and effective items that will relieve the pain you can experience with your feet.
We are a collective of people that love hiking, walking, taking long walks and enjoying the nature around us. As a result we are regularly subject to feet pain and we tested a lot of solutions, some of which we now sell on our website.
We also noticed that the foot is a very good entry point for relaxing methods like acupressure or reflexology. These methods have a general impact on the whole body condition and are very beneficial. That is the reason why we decided to incorporate these types of products in our store.
We are in contact wil lots of suppliers providing the best foot related products. We want to give you access to all these amazing products at the best prices. From posture correctors to acupressure, we cover every parts of the foot as well as focus on related problems like stress or discomfort.
We are very grateful that so many people all over the world have chosen us to take care of their feet and we are everyday looking forward to improve our shopping experience as well as our products.